Top 4 Facebook Groups you should join if you are a fish keeper

stocking-your-first-fish-tankSo in this article, I’ll be talking about the top 4 Facebook group should join if you are a fish keeper or you simply just love fish. These groups have rooms for experienced fish keepers and beginners; in these groups you can post pictures of your aquarium, pond or fishes. You can also ask any questions or problems that have to do with keeping fish which you faced in the group; the people in the groups are kind and will help you to solve your problems! These groups are also very active, number of new posts range from 5 new posts a day to 30+ posts a day! That’s a lot man!

I’ll be counting from the 4th to the 1st:

4.All Aquarium fish maniacs & aquatic fish13040845_226304621071189_8352140519505936572_o.jpg



There are plenty of active people posting in this group and people are friendly, there are a lot of posts about Cichlids, so if you are interested in Cichlid you can probably this group 🙂 No ads or spam advertising about their blog/ page / youtube channel is allowed in this blog so overall this is pretty nice group to join.


Although the group is active, there are still posts which people ignore for some reason. I’ve seen people desperate for help but people just ignore her post. Well some time later her fish died and she posted a photo of her dead fish. A lot of people liked and commented that photo. I think that’s the only bad point in this group overall the group is still worth joining, if the group ignores your post you can simply join another group.


13214461_1149952095026579_838365663_o.pngWelcome to All Aquarium fish maniacs and Aquatic fish the only fish Group that can share on here anytime is Oscar fish , Catfish and cichlid fanatics fish Group ads Fridays only . you may share your groups on all Aquarium fish maniacs and aquatic fish share page anytime There will be no bullying and name calling in this group it will not be tolerated .this is not a sale page for selling fish items 🙂

3.Tropical Fish World




This is a rather active and friendly, no ads no spams. So far as I’ve been here the group is active and people are friendly, people are polite and willing to provide solutions or information to others that need help! 🙂


PEopple tend to overstock their tanks and post it in the group. Also this is probably the worse group in this list when it comes to proper caring for the wet pets 😦

Example 1: Axolotl shoundl’t be with gravel
Example 2 overstocking the tank with giant fish


13224240_1149946645027124_445606411_oWELCOME to Tropical Fish World-Mark 2
This group is designed to share useful information for Tropical Fish keepers of all disciplines of the hobby, be they totally new to the hobby with a brand new tank, or “Old hands..” with years of fish keeping under their belts… Please feel free to browse the page and jump into any thread and contribute or even start your own. We LOVE photo’s and Videos, and are mainly a mature and well behaved group who often have fun while discussing each other’s tanks and set-ups. So pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and enjoy yourself! smile emoticon
Thank You.. (Admin Team..)

*Visit the page for more information about the rules*

2. Fish fantasts13086846_1724144757840003_3797755384970978895_o.jpg



Although I’m not really active in this group but I think this group is really worth joining! People in this group post more and much more beautiful Arowarna than other groups. So if you are an Arowarna fan this group is really a great choice.


Some people spam advertisements which are annoying in this group.


13199303_1149944635027325_975959450_oThis is a Worldwide group for keepers of all fish. Everyone is welcome. Add your friends and family members, everyone who are keen about Fish Keeping is welcome 

You can show you’re fish but no sales please, if people want to buy, sell and trade, we have a classifieds and trading page set up for just this purpose. You can join by clicking on the link below

1. Wet Pets Global (Fish and all Aquatic pets)12829496_10153965558742560_2913728032998362252_o.jpg


rsz_213199014_1149953708359751_1088832681_oWPG is created for all aquatic to semi aquatic creatures and any other wet pets. If your pet Lives on water or need to be in it to live , this is the group where you can post them all. We also include underwater photography and aquascaping. If you have a pond or lake feel free to share. We include everything aquatic on WPG.

Before you begin posting we advise you to read the group rules once.Here is the link to the RULES.

There is no trading (buying and selling) or begging/asking for donations here on the main group. This will be allowed only on our sister group Wet Pets Global Classifieds!

If you see any spam or unwanted advertisements not related to the hobby or anything that is against group rules, report to the admin or tag an admin in the post.

Thank you for joining .Hope you enjoy your stay at WPG.


This is perhaps one of the most if not the most active group about Aquatic pets! This group not only convers freshwater fishes, it covers Marine fishes too! Here you will get plenty of help and information. This is really a MUST JOIN group if you are interested in wet pets. You can quit other groups after joining this group, (I’m just saying.. ) haha.


Too much posts. If you are active in this group you will find that your news feed is full of posts from this group, almost nothing else, many people don’t find this a problem but some do.

Thank you are reading my blog I hope you enjoy this! 🙂

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8 Comments Add yours

  1. Pritesh says:

    Buy fish


  2. Rod says:

    Fish tank for sale 66gallon for $199 OBO


  3. This list is as big a joke as most of the groups on it.
    Most are filled with ego maniacs for admins who don’t know the first thing about keeping fish and all they do is argue their opinion over scientific facts and then they throw you out when you force them to face reality. Freshwater Aquarium Group is where it’s at.


    1. JoshuaFFGlobal says:

      There’s just 4 groups, tell me which one is it so we can change the list 🙂


  4. Jake says:

    Looks a very bias view imo, bullshit article, wet pets is a terrible group.


    1. JoshuaFFGlobal says:

      What’s the problem then, I’m open to hear 🙂


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